Sniffing for more info?

Let us know if you have more questions, or how we can help further. You can always request an estimate for grooming services.

Grooming FAQ

  • We recommend your dog be groomed every 4 to 6 weeks to maintain clean and healthy ears, nails, skin, and coat. Some dogs benefit from more frequent groomer, while others, such as short coats, may need less frequent visits.

  • Every dog is different but typically to maintain short healthy nails we recommend they be trimmed every 4-6 weeks. If your dogs nails are very long we recommend every 2 weeks or so until they get to a healthy length. We also recommend nail filing, or grinding, as it smooths rough edges and gets nails just a bit shorter. Bonus, it’s easier for your dog.

  • We do require a mandatory flea bath for any dog that comes in with 3 or more fleas. An additional $25+ will be added to the total cost of the groom. We also recommend treating your home and vehicle to prevent any further flea issues. Our routine shampoos and conditioners are designed to help minimize fleas if used on a regular basis for ongoing maintenance.

  • We price our grooming services based on your dogs weight and services. We will always give you a price before you leave your dog with us. If any additional services may be required you will receive a phone call from us right away.

  • We require rabies as per state law but we do recommend you follow your veterinarian’s vaccination schedule to protect your pet.